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Public Health Status Update for 02/07/2025

Marin County Public Health Status Update for February 7, 2025, includes Public Health Mission; Bird Flu; Norovirus; February is Heart Health Awareness Month; and Marin Respiratory Virus Surveillance. 

The Marin County… Read More

COVID-19 Status Update for 05/05/2020

The status update for May 5, 2020 includes updated Marin COVID-19 activity, a response from Public Health to the Governor's proposed reopening, information and a video update from Dr. Willis.

COVID-19 activity in Marin:

Marin Confirmed Cases: 243
Marin Deaths: 14
Marin Persons Tested: 5,970
Marin Cases Recovered: 190
Marin Hospitalizations cumulative: 43
Marin Hospitalizations currently: 1
California Confirmed Cases: 58,409
California Deaths: 2,369

Residential Care and Skilled Nursing Facility COVID-19 activity

Positive Patients at Facilities cumulative: 31
Positive Patients at Facilities current: 1
Positive Staff at Facilities cumulative: 26
Positive Staff at Facilities current: 2
Facilities with positive Patients/Staff: 5

The Marin Persons Tested data now includes the Bolinas testing numbers, which is the reason for the large increase.

Visit our Data & Surveillance webpage to view interactive graphs for confirmed COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Data analysis is available by age range, gender, race and geographic region. In addition, you can track the total number of local hospital visits due to respiratory illness -like activity, which provides situational awareness and could be an early indicator of potential hospital surge in Marin.

Marin County Public Health response to Governor’s proposed reopening

In Marin, our goal is to reopen safely and thoughtfully, based on our local experience as the pandemic evolves. The Governors announcement that some counties may consider moving forward with curb-side retail activities is promising. Working in concert with regional health officers, Marin County Public Health recognizes that to take this step safely will require time to prepare. We will not be making new allowances for curb-side retail this week, but will be planning toward an opening of these activities May 18th.

Marin Recovers, launched May 4th, is a process to engage the community and industry leaders to ensure we’re prepared with safe standards for reopening across sectors. As the state announces changes in the state stay at home order, we will continue to engage Marin Recovers as a locally-informed, phased approach with local industry and community to ensure the safest path forward.

Make sure to take a look at the to see our phased recovery guidance and learn more about the steps we are taking toward reopening safely.

We are also seeking public feedback. A public comment form allows individuals to provide feedback to advisory groups who are leading the campaign. Group members will work within that industry to educate the community, updating content on and successfully implementing the plans.

A video update from your Public Health Officer

Dr. Willis talks about the strike team that is doing mobile testing at Senior Living Facilities throughout Marin County in partnership with Kaiser San Rafael, MarinHealth and Public Health.

Youtube Video
Remote video URL

Where to get the latest information:

Have questions? Individuals can contact Marin Health and Human Services with non-medical questions about the coronavirus by calling (415) 473-7191 (Monday – Friday, 9:30am to 12-noon and 1pm to 5pm).