Protecting Public Health
Legal authority for County Health Officer orders addressing the COVID-19 pandemic is in the California Health and Safety Code, which grants broad powers to the Health Officer to protect public health during local emergencies and prevent the spread of contagious diseases. The statutes include Health and Safety Code sections 101040 and 120175. As actions taken under this statutory authority, Health Officer orders are measures taken to preserve the public health, which is an exercise of the police power contained in the California Constitution.
All Health Orders
Masks in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospitals
At Marin County Public Health, our mission is to safeguard the health and well-being of our community by providing timely and evidence-based public health guidance. Our Public Health Advisories serve as essential updates on emerging health concerns, disease prevention strategies, and recommended interventions to protect residents, healthcare workers, and vulnerable populations, such as the elderly in our long term congregate settings.
Our latest advisory addresses masking and vaccination recommendations for healthcare and long-term care facilities in preparation for the upcoming respiratory virus season. We strongly recommend facilities to implement measures that mitigate the spread of COVID-19, influenza, and RSV—ensuring safer environments for both residents and staff.
For detailed recommendations and actions required of healthcare and long-term care facilities, please review our Latest Public Health Advisory.
By staying informed and taking proactive steps, we can work together to reduce the burden of infectious diseases and promote a healthier community.
During the fall and winter seasons it is important to remember the basics of disease prevention such as vaccination, staying home when sick, handwashing, and “strategic masking.”
Helpful Resources
What is the Legal Authority for the State and Local Orders Issued in Response to the Pandemic?
The State’s Health Order, issued June 11, 2021, lists the California Health and Safety Code provisions that authorize the California Department of Public Health to take action necessary to protect public health. (California Health & Safety Code Sections 120125, 120140, 120175, 120195 and 131080.) Additional authority is provided by Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-60-20, which were issued pursuant to the Emergency Services Act, California Government Code Section 8550 et seq. Local Health Orders issued by the Marin County Health Officer are issued pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 101040, 101085, and 120175.