Marin County Public Health Status Update for Friday, March 8, 2024, includes Video: Microplastics and Heart Health; Community Health Workers Ramp Up Narcan Distribution; Focus on Youth Mental Health; Community Health Assessment; and COVID-19 Data Update.
The Marin County Public Health Status Update is published weekly to share news and resources related to pandemic response and recovery, emergency preparedness, and other public health priorities.
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Video: Microplastics and Heart Health
This week, an important study was released, describing a link between microplastics and the risk for heart attack and stroke. Dr. Willis summarizes this study and its implications for local action, including policies to limit the burden of plastics in our environment.
Community Health Workers Ramp Up Narcan Distribution
The San Rafael Community Response Team has set out to protect residents against the fentanyl crisis. Canal Alliance and the Multicultural Center of Marin have prepared Community Health Workers to knock on doors, attend community events, and engage at the local food pantry, resulting in over 1000 Narcan kits distributed.
Focus on Youth Mental Health
The pandemic years have coincided with rising youth mental health concerns locally and nationally. Of particular concern is increased rates of self-harm. This week, public health, behavioral health, school and law enforcement leadership sent this letter to pediatricians outlining resources to support care for Marin families.
Community Health Assessment
Every three years, Marin Public Health gathers with stakeholders across our community to re-assess local health needs and set shared priorities. The Community Health Assessment (CHA) is required for achieving Public Health Accreditation and describes health indicators, disease prevalence, social determinants of health, access to healthcare services and other factors. Focus is placed on understanding health disparities, identifying areas for improvement, and informing interventions to promote health for all members of the community. The next CHA process will occur in 2025. Please click here to view the last Marin County Community Needs Assessment: A Summary of Key Findings.
COVID-19 Data Update
Below is a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County's Open Data Portal.
Actively Circulating Variants | JN.1 |
Marin County COVID-19 Hospitalizations | Today’s Report |
New Admissions Over the Past Week |
12 |
Hospitalized Patients |
11 |
ICU Patients |
1 |
Settings Experiencing Outbreaks | Today’s Report |
Long-Term Care and Congregate Living Facilities |
1 |
Schools and Childcare |
0 |
Resource Link Library
What to do if...
You’ve tested Positive or you've been exposed to someone with COVID-19
Online Resources
Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing | Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data
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