Marin County Public Health Status Update for July 28, 2023, includes Back-to-School Immunizations; Hepatitis C is Common and Treatable; Travel Related Illness Risk Rising; COVID Community Level on the Rise; and COVID-19 Data Update.
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The Marin County Public Health Status Update is published weekly to share news and resources related to pandemic response and recovery, emergency preparedness, and other public health priorities.
Back-to-School Immunizations
As the school year approaches, Marin Public Health reminds parents to stay up to date with their children's vaccinations. Find required vaccine information at If your child is behind on vaccinations, remember it's never too late to catch up and protect your child's and our community’s well-being. With childhood vaccination rates at an all-time high of 95%, Marin County is well-prepared to prevent outbreaks of serious childhood diseases.
Hepatitis C is Common and Treatable
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of liver cancer and failure and has affected nearly 2,000 Marin residents in the past decade. HCV is easily diagnosed and cured with medicine. The CDC and Marin Public Health recommend that every adult get tested for HCV at least once. Visit Marin County HCV homepage and dashboard to learn more and support the goal of the Marin Hepatitis C Coalition to eliminate HCV locally. View this short video to learn HCV basics.
Travel Related Illness Risk Rising
Three cases of dengue fever and one case of malaria were reported to Marin County Public Health in the past week, all related to international travel. While all affected are improving, these cases provide a reminder to take precautions when traveling abroad. Earlier this month, the World Health Organization warned that climate change is leading to a spike in dengue fever and other mosquito borne illnesses. Before traveling consult the CDC global travel site for latest recommendations for your destination.
COVID Community Level on the Rise
Local wastewater data has shown a steady increase in COVID-19 activity in Marin over the month of July, following record-low levels in late June. Local COVID-19 hospitalizations remain stable at low levels. Marin Public health will continue to monitor activity and provide guidance as indicated.
COVID-19 Data Update
Below is just a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County's Open Data Portal.
Actively Circulating Variants |
XBB. 1.15 |
Settings Experiencing Outbreaks |
Today’s Report |
Long-Term Care and Congregate Living Facilities |
2 |
Schools | 0 |
Resource Link Library
What to do if...
You’ve tested Positive | You’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19
Online Resources
Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing | Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Race & Ethnicity Data | State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data
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