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Marin County Public Health Status Update for December 29, 2023, includes Preventable RSV Outbreaks and Hospitalizations; National Public Heath Successes in 2023; COVID Transmission Increasing; OD Free Marin Reaches Milestone; Marin Public Health Accreditation Progress; and COVID-19 Data Update.
The Marin County Public Health Status Update is published weekly to share news and resources related to pandemic response and recovery, emergency preparedness, and other public health priorities.
Preventable RSV Outbreaks and Hospitalizations
RSV is spreading in Marin County long term care facilities, leading to two outbreaks with four hospitalizations and one death. Despite an effective vaccine, RSV vaccination rates among facility residents are low. Facility residents are dependent on their medical providers for vaccinations. Today, Marin Public Health issued an Advisory urging facility medical providers to offer residents the new RSV vaccine. Family members of facility residents should advocate for their loved ones to be fully vaccinated against RSV, flu, COVID and pneumococcus.
National Public Heath Successes in 2023
In 2023, national public health milestones included longer life expectancy, progress in overdose prevention, enhanced 988 suicide hotline reach, Medicaid expansion, and the resolution of the global COVID-19 emergency. Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina summarized 21 Public Health Accomplishments in 2023. Dr. Jetelina is a frequent collaborator with Marin Public Health and can be followed at Your Local Epidemiologist.
COVID Transmission Increasing
Wastewater concentrations of SARS-CoV2 in Marin County are the highest they’ve been since April 2023. Virus levels are increasing in all 6 sampling regions within the county. The first local case infected with the emerging JN.1 variant has been reported. JN.1 is likely fueling current transmission. Vaccine remains the most effective tool to prevent serious illness and the disruption of family members falling ill during the holidays. Find a vaccine at
OD Free Marin Reaches Milestone
OD Free Marin, Marin’s overdose prevention coalition, distributed 10,217 free Narcan kits to Marin residents in 2023, surpassing the goal of 10,000 kits. Narcan is the safe and effective nasal spray that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. 6,328 kits were distributed through a network of partners in business, healthcare, schools, substance use providers and community events. 3,891 were dispensed through vending machines. Narcan distribution is an OD Free Marin priority to reduce overdose deaths in Marin.
Marin Public Health Accreditation Progress
In 2024, Marin Public Health will be applying to be accredited by the national Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). This is voluntarily undertaken to ensure the highest standard of service as a local health division. PHAB verifies performance across ten domains of public health practice. Marin County Public Health Officer, Dr. Matthew Willis, was recently named to the national PHAB Board and will be recused from any consideration of Marin’s candidacy.
COVID-19 Data Update
Below is a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County's Open Data Portal.
Actively Circulating Variants | XBB.1.16, JN.1 |
Marin County COVID-19 Hospitalizations | Today’s Report |
New Admissions Over the Past Week |
8 |
Hospitalized Patients |
9 |
ICU Patients |
1 |
Settings Experiencing Outbreaks | Today’s Report |
Long-Term Care and Congregate Living Facilities |
11 |
Schools and Childcare |
1 |
Resource Link Library
What to do if...
You’ve tested Positive or you've been exposed to someone with COVID-19
Online Resources
Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing | Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data
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