Update for August 16, 2022 includes: Public Health Update for Back to School; Understanding CDC Community versus Transmission Levels; There’s Still Time for Back-to-School Vaccinations; COVID-19 Vaccination Opportunities in Marin; and updated local COVID-19 data.
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The Marin County COVID-19 Status Update is published two times per week and as needed to share important news and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and to keep the local economy running. We remain here for you.
RECAP: Public Health Update for Back to School
Yesterday, Dr. Lisa Santora, along with members of Marin County Office of Education, provided a public health update to the school community. The presentation provided an overview of the evolution of pandemic priorities, current data trends, and the Marin County SMARTER Schools Plan.
Understanding CDC Community versus Transmission Levels
Last week, Marin County celebrated a small step of progress by returning to the “medium” rank of the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level. This ranking is determined by looking at the number of hospital beds being used, total hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area. CDC uses of COVID-19 Community Levels to determine the impact of COVID-19 on communities and to guide people to take action.
However, CDC also monitors Transmission Levels (some times referred to as Community Transmission) to describe the amount of COVID-19 spread within each county. Currently, Marin County – as well as all Bay Area counties – have a HIGH transmission level.
While they have similar names, COVID-19 Community Levels and Community Transmission measure different things. Marin County Public health monitors a variety of data points when determining COVID-19 polices and may make determinations based on community transmission data versus general community levels. For example, Marin Public Health recommends wearing a mask at school when community transmission is high.
To view Community Transmission data, visit CDC’s Data Tracker and be sure to toggle to “Community Transmission.”
There’s Still Time for Back-to-School Vaccinations
Even though Marin students returned to the classroom this week, there’s still time to ensure your child’s routine vaccinations are up to date. Review which vaccinations children and teens need and make an appointment today!
Under the California School Immunization Law (California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375), children are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools, childcare centers, family day care homes, nursery schools, day nurseries and developmental centers. This law also requires schools, childcare centers, and family childcare homes to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports to the local health department.
Visit ShotsForSchool.org for information on the required immunizations for Child Care/Preschool and School. Schools with low vaccination rates are at increased risk for outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. How well-vaccinated is your child's child care? Kindergarten? 7th Grade?
The best place to get immunizations is at your doctor’s office or regular clinic. View this list of Where to Get Vaccinated in Marin County (English) and (Español, Dónde vacunarse en el condado de Marin).
COVID-19 Vaccination Opportunities in Marin
If you know someone who still needs a primary COVID-19 vaccination dose or booster shot, please share the list below with them! Staying up to date on our vaccines is just as important as receiving an initial series.
Planned COVID-19 vaccine clinics for the next week:
- August 18 – Marin Community Clinics, San Rafael
- August 18 & 19 – Northgate Mall (center court), San Rafael
- August 20 – Marin Health & Wellness / Kerner Campus, San Rafael
- August 23 – St. Andrew’s Church, Marin City
COVID-19 Vaccines are FREE, regardless of insurance or immigration status. Walk-ups are welcome. Visit the Vaccine Finder webpage to view clinic hours, address, or schedule an appointment. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to receive a vaccination. Additional vaccination clinics in Marin and around the Bay Area can be found on MyTurn.
COVID-19 Data Update:
Below is just a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County's Open Data Portal.
Data sets updated weekly (published on Fridays) include:
- COVID-19 vaccination rates
- COVID-19 cases & deaths among facility staff and residents
- Weekly/Cumulative count of COVID-19 deaths among Marin residents
- State COVID-19 Data
Status updates are now published Tuesdays and Fridays. “Change from Last Status Update” (far right column, below) may account for 2-4 days, depending on the date of the previous publication (view past status updates).
COVID-19 Case Data |
Today’s Report |
Change from Last Status Update on August 12, 2022 |
Total Confirmed Cumulative Cases |
40,435 |
+149 |
“Active Cases” (Confirmed in Past 10 Days) |
322 |
- 63 |
Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations |
15 |
- 7 |
Current COVID-19 ICU Patient Census |
0 |
- 2 |
Resource Link Library
What to do if...
You’ve tested Positive | You’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19
Online Resources
Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing | Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Race & Ethnicity Data | State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data
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